Highly Sensitive and/or Neurodivergent Owned Business Directory

We encourage hiring and supporting these business owners

They offer global services!

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See Directions Below to Get Listed

Directions to Be Listed

  1. You must be a Highly Sensitive and/or Neurodivergent business owner.

  2. Be a (current) member of the Heart-Centered Business Group located in the Sensitive Empowerment Community for at least 3 consecutive months (unless pre-approved by Julie). It allows us to get to know you and help advance your knowledge of the trait, which will help you support your clients. Join the business group and community here.

  3. You must either offer global services through phone or video or list the state states or country you work in at the top so it shows when someone is scrolling.

  4. Add your info to the directory by clicking “Add Entry” at the top of this directory.

  5. Once you have reached three months, added your info, and passed the quiz, email my assistant, Kia Kelly-Felty, and she will publish your listing!

  6. Start working with clients! This directory is shared every week with thousands all over the world who need you! ❤️

We are dedicated to supporting your business, and connecting with other Heart-Centered Businesses is extremely important!

Join the Sensitive Empowerment Community & Heart-Centered Business Group

(Choose plan 2)

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee any services or products, we just love connecting you to HSP and Autistic business owners because we believe they are conscientious, heart-centered, and want to help you!