Highly Sensitive and/or Neurodivergent Guests to Interview

Explore their specialties and invite them as a guest for your podcast, virtual summit, or article!

Learn how to get listed below!


Do you want to get listed, interviewed, share your expertise, and help people find your services or business?

Directions on How to Get Listed

  1. You must be a Highly Sensitive and/or Neurodivergent individual.

  2. You must have been a (current) member of the Heart-Centered Business Group located in the Sensitive Empowerment Community for at least three consecutive months (unless Julie has pre-approved you).

  3. Add your info to the directory by clicking “Add Entry” at the top of this directory.

  4. Once you have reached three months, added your info, and passed the quiz, email my assistant, Kia Kelly-Felty, and she will publish your listing!

  5. Start getting interviewed so more people know about you and your products or services! ❤️

Join the Sensitive Empowerment Community & Heart-Centered Business Group

(Choose plan 2)