Julie Bjelland

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5 Steps to Living Optimally as a Highly Sensitive Person, by Julie Bjelland, LMFT

As an HSP psychotherapist that specializes in HSPs I have discovered through years of clinical work and research that there are a few essential elements that HSPs need to practice daily to live more optimally.  

1. Do what it takes to get the right amount of sleep for your particular needs.  As HSPs this is of top priority.  We function at our best when we have slept well.  Prioritize this and you will notice a difference right away.

2. Get enough downtime.  That means that every day you have time that is unstructured rest time. Your HSP brain needs both processing time and restorative time.  That means you need more of it than up to 85% of the population so structure that time for what works for you, not what works for the other 85%. Time in nature and/or time alone is often the most optimal.  

3. Take breaks during the day.  If you work non-stop with no break you are likely feeling pretty depleted every day.  If you take breaks throughout the day you will have a fuller tank after work for yourself and those you love.  You will also sleep better.  If you floor the gas pedal of your car all day long it will burn out and so will you.  You need to rest that super computer HSP brain and give it time for processing and to reset and restore.

4. Remember to put your own mask on before assisting others.  HSPs tend to take care of everyone else's needs by default and often don't have enough space for their own needs.  This creates the origination of resentment in relationships, friendships and with family.  We must be aware of our needs and learn how to ask for those needs to be met if we want to be happy and live more optimally.

5. Self care is medicine for an HSP.  Without it we shrivel and with it we thrive.  Self care means you do things EVERY day that nurture yourself and that make you happy and calm and relaxed.  When we take care to nurture ourselves we increase our own self compassion and that improves so many parts of our lives.  

Find out how my brain-training program can help you live to your highest potential. hspcourse.com

Want to live to your highest potential as an HSP? Do challenges hold you back from using your gifts? Learn how to create healthy boundaries, say no without guilt, get your needs met and feel more connected. The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person. Download your copy now

The following are so many important resources for you that I invite you to check out.

  1. Join Julie and your HSP tribe in our new Sensitive-Empowerment Community!

  2. Highly Recommended: Don’t miss out! Subscribe to my HSP blog for tools, tips, and support.

  3. Check out the dozens of pages of information on my HSP resources page that I invite you to explore.

  4. Subscribe and watch the many ongoing free videos I’ve done teaching techniques on my HSP Youtube channel

  5. Join my HSP tribe on my HSP Facebook page for connection and my free live trainings. Connect with me on Instagram and Twitter and Linkedin too.

  6. Join me and other HSPs also ready to improve their lives in my 8-week online HSP course with live coaching from me!

  7. Read the recommended HSP books

  8. Listen to these HSP podcasts

~Julie Bjelland is a psychotherapist, global HSP consultant, and leader in the field of high sensitivity and has helped thousands of highly sensitive people around the world. As an HSP herself, Julie understands what it is like to live with high sensitivity and strong emotions. Julie teaches an online course for HSPs and is the author of several books.  www.juliebjelland.com.