Episode 157: Redefining our Relationship with Money With Sarah McCrum and Andrea Weber

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Show Notes

Sarah McCrum has a most intuitive and insightful perspective about money, how money is seen, how it is valued and how it is used.  Her enlightened approach has helped so many people make a real difference in their lives, both personally and professionally.

So much of what is possible for us to accomplish is unwittingly blocked by our own ingrained beliefs, our misalignment with receiving and our focus on worry and limitation.

There is a way forward through all of these challenges. In this refreshing presentation, Sarah will cover the following:

  • How to make money your friend

  • What money really is and how it really works

  • Asking for what you want in a way that works

  • How to relax about money

  • Becoming open and receptive to money

  • The new energy of money for business models

  • A glimpse into the future of money

Sarah McCrum is an author, educator and business innovator. She's the Founder of Liberate Humanity, which is a place for learning and sharing the skills for liberation of the human spirit. Sarah has spent more than 20 years teaching and coaching business owners and their families. She's the creator of the innovative program, Thank You Money, based on the principles of her book, Love Money, Money Loves You. Over 10,000 people have completed courses with Sarah, building a relationship with money that's founded in love, abundance, generosity and nature. 

You can connect with Sarah and learn more about her work by visiting liberatehumanity.com 

Sarah has a special offer of listening to a relaxation music video and if you like this presentation you can sign up for the first four chapters of Sarah's book, "Love Money, Money Loves You." Please visit lovemoneyebook.com

About Our Host

Andrea Weber is the founder of Expansive Happiness®, an inspirational site designed to help those with environmental sensitivities lead happy and fulfilling lives through constructive sensitivity management. On the website, you can find many more resources, sign up for regular communications, take the free Environmental Sensitivity Quiz and enrol in the Self-Empowered Sensitivity Management Program.

Explore more episodes, and resources for the sensitive, and join our Sensitive Empowerment Community at www.JulieBjelland.com

Julie Bjelland is the founder of The HSP Podcast, a psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community. Her books, blog, online courses, and free webinars have helped thousands of highly sensitive people (HSPs) worldwide reduce their challenges, access their gifts, and discover their significant value to thrive to their fullest potential. Julie loves connecting in her Sensitive Empowerment Community and warmly invites you to join this positive, safe, and welcoming space. Find all resources at JulieBjelland.com❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)

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