Julie Bjelland

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Episode 72: Creating Healthy Friendships & Relationships Part 2 with Q/A

Show Notes

Are you a fixer and an over-giver in your relationships? It can be common for HSPs to feel like they give more than they receive.  We will discuss how to create healthy friendships and relationships. We'll talk about how vulnerability leads to connection and how to feel safe to be yourself so you can connect deeply. We'll discuss healthy boundary setting that can give you the healthiest type of relationships.

Some of what we discussed in this episode:

  • Importance of being a kind and caring friend to yourself

  • We attract love and caring from others at the level we love and care for ourselves How setting boundaries improves relationships

  • How to communicate our needs

  • HSPs have more information and can read subtle cues that others might miss

  • Non-HSPs might not be as courteous and conscientious because they don't have the same level of awareness and "knowing" not because they necessarily are trying to hurt us. We might be misinterpreting this so it's important to understand

  • Shifting our mindset to pay attention to our inner child's needs

  • Being open and direct about our need for extra downtime feels empowering and gives them information

  • And more!

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Resources & Links Mentioned in Episode

  • To take Julie’s free sensitivity quiz, explore her books and courses for the sensitive and learn tools to reduce the challenges and access your gifts, visit www.juliebjelland.com.

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