Happy Anniversary Sensitive Empowerment Community!
I always knew it would be magical to have HSPs together from all over the world, in a safe and supportive space, and encourage empowerment. Today, Sept 24, 2020, we celebrated one year in my Sensitive Empowerment Community!
It makes me so happy to see my vision of what is possible for us as HSPs are happening. When we are together, we are stronger and more empowered. I am also incredibly inspired by everyone in the community who chose to be here and work on growth and support each other and show up and share experiences, and it's an incredibly inspiring thing to witness. It reminds me that incredible people in the world choose to lift each other, and I find that very beautiful. It's my favorite place to be with you all, and if there is anything I can do to uplift and empower you all, I will do it. I believe in all of you and your value so much.
Even the HSP guest presenters in my community have commented on how welcoming the Sensitive Empowerment community is. They have never experienced such a connection, such welcoming and such kindness and support from any other community they have ever done a presentation in before. Isn't that beautiful that HSPs create that energy for guests and even new members?!!!
I feel like I hold a container of love for HSPs and always send that energy to my Sensitive Empowerment community every day. HSPs shared what it means to be together in this global community, and I wanted to share all the love and these beautiful words!!
"I have to say having this community during the pandemic has been a godsend. It helped me from feeling stressed and isolated. Just looking at the pet and garden and nature photos kept me going sometimes."
“HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY, JULIE!!! It is amazing to me that I have never met you or anyone in the community in person yet feel emotionally close, have made beautiful connections, and experienced things with you during live events that have rotated my brain and settled deeply in my heart. I have learned things on your podcasts and events that I wouldn’t have found on my own. I have filled entire notebooks from your courses, and events and then there is your beautiful idea of the Positives Journal that I return to again and again. Amazing healers have helped me on my journey and you know who you are, I am in your debt. 💕 I am a different person than I was a year ago, absolutely: an improved me, I’ve come home to my self. I’m calmer with myself and others, and have incorporated self-care as part of how I live, not as something to be squeezed in. Love to you all 💕, and especially to you, Julie, for creating this Community of Deep Feeling, Deeply Caring, HSPS!! Thank you, Julie!!! 💕 I’m excited about all the things you have lined up for us in the year ahead.”
“wooooooo! amazing! All I can say is that I wish I had this place years ago when I felt lost and a total freak. This community is making me feel alive, seen, understood and my form of normal. I know I can reach out and I want to be here for others. There is a strong glue and love in this group and I feel so grateful to be part of it. Thank you Julie for your magic, your insight and your vision. May this community grow and change the world.”
"Before I connected with this supportive community, I felt extremely alone. Now I have a whole family who understands and supports me. It feels amazing."
"Happy anniversary Julie and thank you for creating this beautiful space! I don't have HSP friends so being here makes me feel like I'm ok and understood. I'm still new, but already deeply appreciate everyone in this family."
"I [previously] accepted that I would just feel crappy and overwhelmed throughout life. Now I know I and other HSPs do not have to accept that. It's up to each of us to figure out the steps to take to live a more balanced life, and having this supportive community cheering us on to do it is amazing."
"Happy 1 year Anniversary!! Thank you Julie for this beautiful community. It is a wonderful dream come true! I am learning so much about myself and growing in this safe, loving, supportive, inspiring community. Looking forward to continuing the journey, the growing, and learning to love myself the way I am ! Love and light to all !!"
"This community has definitely helped me normalize and validate my experience."
"Goodmorning everyone. Happy 1 year Anniversary. Yes, this group has helped me tremendously. I'm so happy I am a part of it."
"For me, it's been life changing learning that our trait is perfectly normal."
"I don't feel strange anymore. I'm much more confident and able to advocate for my needs."
"This supportive community is so healing for me! I have tried participating in other online groups and this one feels the best for me!"
"I love those words, normalizing and validating. They apply so much to my development. I've grown so much with the support from everyone, and I'm witnessing transformation among this extended family here."
"I like my own company more than ever before in my life."
"Thank you. I am much more confident in myself. Not afraid to speak up for myself."
"Yes Julie - I was in other HSP groups and it was just depressing. the difference here is that we share our struggles but also how we are taking steps. I was overwhelmed in other groups."
"For me, I now feel confident enough to advocate for myself, knowing my trait and what my needs are."
"I am finally accepting the level of self care I need to function well and thrive."
"I loved when you said "the self care that I need - not what the 80% needs. that was the key for me."
"I too feel like I know what I need to be at my best and how to communicate that to others effectively. Still a work in progress to get others to understand but the main thing is how I feel about myself inside. If that is strong other's opinions don't matter as much."
"I'm proud of myself being here! 😆 I've joined via the creating a heart centred business online as an HSP and am grateful for the company and I feel this is where I can finally get the guidance and support I need to move forward ❤"
"I let out a huge sigh - I have needed support and can feel all the healthy boundaries you set up in this group."
"I'm learning what it means to fill up my positivity tank. I was so accustomed to feeling bad. Changing that slowly but surely."
"Julie, I think you've created a nice balance for us to learn, ask for help, share wins and pictures of what brings us joy:)"
"I am SO proud of myself for taking the step of being here."
"Julie, thank you so much for modeling a way of being together that is so supportive and uplifting and inspiring!"
"Hi everyone! Happy 1 year anniversary! I love all the shares everyone is doing. I feel really happy to be surrounded by people with similar temperaments. I feel less lonely and realize I'm not the only one who struggles with particular things being an HSP."
"Sometimes, I forget I'm part of the 20% and want to compare myself to the 80%. I feel that all the different events have taught me so much about the trait, self-acceptance, and tools to manage my emotions better."
"I agree with everyone here! I knew it from the moment I joined this community how uplifting and positive it felt. I love the intention to figure out how to work through our challenges without necessarily complaining or blaming others. I love all the amazing examples of healthy boundaries in this community! Thank you Julie! Few communities have all these qualities in one."
"Thanks to this community I went out and hired an amazing HSP therapist and he has been godsend. I feel so understood and we have the most productive therapy sessions. I feel good around my HSP family."
"I've only been here a couple of days but maybe the why I'm feeling energised and taking active steps to do things I've put off!"
"It's crazy too because I didn't realize how much I need community and how inspired I feel just to see other people growing too. I don't always have questions but I love to see what others are learning. I'm thankful for all of you. It's good to know there's a place were I can go and be understood."
"I agree. It's very validating being a part of this community."
"I'm inspired by each of you to continue my personal development. At this party, it's magic how everyone here is saying just what it's in my heart."
"I'm thankful for this community. Julie, I'm so happy that guest presenters can feel welcome and supported in their sharing their gifts with us. That is huge ! YAY"
"I love knowing how welcomed the speakers have felt. Willow is one of my favorites for sure. He's so talented at speaking and sharing his HSP experience."
"It feels good to welcome new members!"
"The speakers and topics have been so great. They all understand the trait and/or are HSP themselves."
"Willow is amazing. I appreciate every time I get to listen to your conversations with him, Julie ! Thanks for all your efforts !!"
"I love the podcasts with Julie and Willow! ☺️ I feel this burst of energy and positivity after listening."
"I love being in the live events. Our comments help us get to know one another and cheer each other instantly."
"Thank you Julie. I'm so grateful for you creating this community and that I took your course last year and then joined."
"Thank you Julie, I am learning so much and growing and finding ways to love the sensitive being I am. Thank you all!"
"Thank you for bringing us together, Julie."
"Happy Anniversary! Thank you Julie for making your dream come alive. When things aren't easy, I love looking through the photographs and comments. It refills my positivity tank. A wonderful community. ❤️❤️"
Come join us and experience the magic of being together!
We would love to welcome you to join the Sensitive Empowerment family of HSPs! We are NOT on social media because we value your privacy and prefer a safe space off of social media.
Julie Bjelland is the founder of Sensitive Empowerment. As a sensitivity expert and psychotherapist, her HSP podcast, books, online courses, and Sensitive Empowerment Community have helped thousands of highly sensitive people worldwide reduce their challenges, access and share their gifts, and discover their significant value to thrive to their fullest potential. Known for her ability to teach HSPs proven brain-training tools that work quickly, Julie is on a mission to empower sensitive people to live their best lives. To explore Julie’s valuable HSP resources, including her free Sensitivity Quiz, visit JulieBjelland.com
Feeling overwhelmed? Glimmers—small moments of joy, peace, or connection—can help regulate your nervous system and bring light to dark times. In this blog, Julie Bjelland, LMFT, shares how sensitive and neurodivergent individuals can train their brains to notice these moments, ease emotional overwhelm, and build resilience.