Episode 01: A Vision That Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are Valuable in So Many Areas of Life
Show Notes
I have so much to share with you about how highly sensitive people can be the change we need in the world, how companies can harness the gifts of the trait, and how HSPs are some of the most gifted and talented people in the world with supercomputer brains! My mission is to help uncover and release those gifts in the world.
Here’s What I Talk About In This Episode
My vision for how HSPs can change the world
The importance of staying balanced as an HSP
The mission of the podcast
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Resources & Links Mentioned in Episode
Take the sensitivity quiz: sensitivityquiz.com
Explore all my resources for HSPs at juliebjelland.com
A vision that highly sensitive people (HSPs) are valuable in so many areas of life
March 1, 2020
Transcription by Kristin Cole [www.kristin-cole.com]
I’m excited to talk with you guys about all my visions for highly sensitive people. I believe that we have the capacity to have such an important change in the world and there are so many gifts inside of those of us with the trait of high sensitivity. We have supercomputer brains that can really compute and accomplish anything. It’s just that we are often over-stimulated from having a sensitive nervous system so once you really learn how to balance that sensitive nervous system the sky is the limit for you. It’s absolutely incredible what’s possible!
I have so many visions for this population of people that makes up 20% of the population. This trait evolved as a survival strategy of the population. We have gifts that are needed in the world and once you really learn how to balance that sensitive nervous system, you get to access all those gifts and I want that for you. I absolutely believe that HSPs are some of the kindest, most caring people in the world who really go out and make a difference. I see it over and over again.
The people that are in my Sensitive Empowerment Community, it’s so exciting to see what they’re capable of and what they end up doing once they really find that balance in their life – and I’m a great example of that. I used to be quite buried by overwhelm and anxiety and I think that’s really common in this population. Once I learned how to find balance – and it’s a daily, weekly, conscious effort to stay balanced as a sensitive person in a world that isn’t set up for us and our sensitive systems.
So it’s my mission to change that to really teach companies and parents and educators and doctors and therapists about all that’s possible in this population. I mean, it’s incredible. I am going to be really sharing my visions for this population of people, the sensitive people, because I plan to change the way that we view sensitivity in the world and change it into what I believe is a huge positive. I get to see it every day with HSPs contacting me after taking a course of mine or reading a book or those that are in my Sensitive Empowerment Online Community, getting to see what they’re capable of and watching them fly in the world.
Every day I have a thought – you know, an HSP would be really good at this! I was just watching a show about paramedics the other day and thinking about wow, they have to jump into something and know what’s happening. Thinking about an HSP as a doctor or paramedic or somebody in the healthcare field for example being able to read micro-expressions and body language that 80% of the population misses and being able to see subtle cues that other people are going to miss.
I want to empower companies to understand that what an HSP has to offer is absolutely huge and so needed in the world and you just have to make the right types of wellness for them to be at their highest level. So here’s a group of people who have gifts and if you know how to harness those gifts, you’re going to have resources in your company, in your innovations, in your creativity that are going to help skyrocket your business and your company and everything that’s possible.
There’s so much ahead to share with you and I can’t wait to share all my ideas for how I believe that once we get empowered as sensitive people, it’s just going to incredible what is possible. I’m going to be sharing my thoughts about that along the way and I’m super excited that you found me and hope you enjoy all the podcasts to come. Hope you’re taking good care of yourself in the world. Bye-bye.
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