Episode 66: Live HSP Q/A With Julie
Show Notes
What a beautiful community of HSPs we have in our Sensitive Empowerment Community! Thank you for all the wonderful live questions.
We started out discussing the post: Anguish and Action: Be the Change. Supporting ourselves through intense emotions so we can be our best selves to listen, learn, and grow to be the change we need in the world.
Here are some of the questions we covered in this Q/A event....
Q: I’ve been receiving feedback that I’m too good or too nice for the world. Why is that a negative? How should I respond? I think I’m seen as too soft and it seems to hinder me in the workplace.
Q: How to tell, when meeting a potential friend, if they are going to be parasitic about our HSP empathy and energy. Are there questions, we can ask, in addition to checking in with how we are feeling in their presence, and after spending time with someone?
Q: How to control osmosis with everyone and everything around us with the wall analogy that you have spoken of, Julie...how to bring that wall up and down at will.
Q: I have questions around the message of loving yourself and turning inward and the push to destigmatize therapy. How is that not still looking outward? 🤔
I recognize my religious PTSD has created even more sensitivity and trust issues. Feels counter-intuitive to me to "be vulnerable and share who you really are," with just anyone….I find myself wanting to encourage anyone thinking they have to find their 'right mentor' to be skeptical of that message. Who is telling them they can only look within by attaching outside themselves?
Q: Are we born HSPs, or is it a genetic in the family thing? Or is it something we could get out of a traumatic experience?
Q: I'm feeling quite nervous in lockdown as I've not traveled on public transport for a few months and was wondering are the tools to bypass the emotional brain and self-compassion the best ones to try to relax me? Also, can HSPs increase this self-esteem as I find negative self-talk is better but unfortunately it doesn’t work especially at work
Q: I am struggling with being emotionally and physically drained when I am looking after my 4-year-old grandson during the days. I have done this for 2 months since no school due to COVID.
Q: I have challenges around managing self-sabotage when going for career goals. I’m working on rewiring this self-image of being ‘less capable’ around stress management/handling things. A lot of the career paths that I am drawn to involve long investment/are emotionally draining potentially (e.g. social work which involves dealing with people constantly)...and I have so many back and forth moments where I think this might be what I want to do and also so much fear around burnout, it's too stressful, etc. How can I stop this over-worrying- this fear that doing what is needed to be successful would be ‘too much’/finding that balance?
And More!
If you have questions that you want to be asked in the next Q/A come join our Sensitive Empowerment Community! Learn more about my community at www.juliebjelland.com
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Resources & Links Mentioned in Episode
To take Julie’s free sensitivity quiz, explore her books and courses for the sensitive and learn tools to reduce the challenges and access your gifts, visit www.juliebjelland.com.
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Discover how tiny “glimmers” of relief can anchor us when life feels overwhelming—especially for sensitive, autistic, and neurodivergent individuals. In this episode, Julie Bjelland shares heartfelt reflections on grief, practical techniques to train your brain to notice the good, and supportive strategies to cultivate resilience and hope.