Episode 79: What’s Hard and What’s Helping During This Pandemic

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Show Notes

I share what I find hard and what I’m hearing is hard for HSPs. I also share the results of a poll I did on what self-care HSP therapists are doing that helps. Visit HSPpodcast.com to leave comments about what is hard and what’s helping.

P.S. Want more tips to reduce challenges and increase access to your gifts as a sensitive person? I’ll send support every week. Sign up for the Sensitive Empowerment newsletter here.

Listen Now

I share what I find hard and what I'm hearing is hard for HSPs. I also share the results of a poll I did on what self-care HSP therapists are doing that helps. Visit HSPpodcast.com to leave comments about what is hard and what's helping.

Resources & Links Mentioned in Episode

  • To take Julie’s free sensitivity quiz, explore her books and courses for the sensitive and learn tools to reduce the challenges and access your gifts, visit www.juliebjelland.com

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