Designing and Delivering Coaching Packages by Andrea Weber
Guest Post
Our Business Group has recently featured possibly one of its most valued discussions that are now available to members in our Replay Library – what works and what doesn’t when it comes to coaching packages!
Many of our members already have established coaching businesses, and some are just on the verge of starting out. It was wonderful to read the positive feedback from our comprehensive article.
The topics we discussed included:
The many benefits of offering coaching packages
Coaching platforms for delivery
Contract terms and conditions
Timeframes and offerings, including group and individual sessions
Ways of boosting revenue
Making the most of resource creation
Discovery calls – what has worked the best in how to offer these
Pricing and payment - creating transparency and affordability for both client and coach and establishing effective communication around pricing.
Finding alignment and balancing your energy as a coach
The idea for the event came from a conversation about how coaches and clients felt about packages that perhaps ran for too long in terms of the overall time.
Does the client still feel valued toward the end of the sessions? Does the coach feel negative if payment has been received several months prior and the time could be used to source new clients? This is more likely to happen if pricing has been undervalued.
These are all very real and valid questions. Determining the best way to design and deliver coaching packages is perhaps one of the biggest challenges for HSP coaches.
Coaching packages may also depend upon resource creation, and this can be a daunting prospect for the new coach. It can raise insecurities and feelings of not having enough to offer to create a package. Discussion around these issues was very worthwhile for all of our members.
Every month, we have one of these Catch-up & Connect meets within the Business Group, where a topic of interest is chosen and discussed in an open group forum. A comprehensive summary is then placed in our library, which members are able to view at any time.
Following this, we have secured a Special Guest Speaker event with Willow McIntosh, founder of Inluminance and creator of the High Sensory Coaching Program, who will cover the above topics in more detail, sharing his many years of experience as a coach and mentor. Willow’s practice has taken him worldwide, teaching people how to use their deep sensory perception to fulfill their purpose and share their unique talents and gifts.
Later in the year, we will also host another event with Special Guest Carol Huckle. Carol is an active member of our Sensitive Empowerment Community (SEC) and HSP Empath. Embarking on her coaching journey after completing Willow’s program, Carol will share her experiences, achievements, and challenges starting out as an HSP Coach.
If you aspire to be a coach or already have an established coaching business, the support, friendship, encouragement, and practical solutions will become a treasured resource. So many strategies and tools are available for a very affordable $10 additional fee to our regular SEC monthly membership.
Our focus on coaching packages compliments this year’s vision of providing a range of events around marketing strategies for HSP entrepreneurs. Some of our speakers include Dani Gardner, Kerstin Martin, Sarah Santacroce, and George Kao.
If you’d like to enjoy some of these wonderful and worthwhile events, you can sign up for the Business Group when you join the Community. Looking forward to seeing you there.
You may also like to check out some of the other resources available to help HSPs in business:
Free Masterclass – Growing a Heart-Centered Online Business
Online Course – Grow Your Heart-Centered Business, including 8 weeks of free membership to both the online community and Business Group
Andrea Weber is the Business Group Co-ordinator for the Sensitive Empowerment Community and Founder of Expansive Happiness®. Andrea’s mission is to support and encourage environmentally sensitive people through constructive day-to-day management and to raise much needed awareness around these conditions. Read inspiring posts, take the free Environmental Sensitivity Quiz and enrol in the Self-Empowered Sensitivity Management Program at
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