Abstract Painting Adventures Workshop with Nicola Newman

Nicola Newman is a professional artist who offers free creative workshops for members of the Sensitive Empowerment Community. We are sharing a video recording of her “Abstract Painting Adventures Workshop,” to give you a taste of what it's like inside the community and warmly invite you to join us there if you'd like to do more creative workshops like this one.

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How To Engage in Helping the World While Also Protecting Your Sensitive Nature

Turn on the news, and you are bombarded with horrible things happening in the world every day. For a highly sensitive person, it can feel too much and be hard not to absorb the suffering. I’m sharing what I do and recommend for HSPs to purposely be part of helping the world while also being careful to take care of ourselves in specific ways so we don’t fall apart.

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Finding Meaning in Your Work is Essential as a Highly Sensitive Person

As highly sensitive people (HSPs), it’s essential to our well-being that we do meaningful, fulfilling work that is the right match for our needs. We have incredible gifts to offer and can excel in extraordinary ways when we feel we are making a difference in an environment that matches our needs and sensory sensitivities. You are not alone. I invite you to explore these resources.

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The Evolution of the Sensitive Empowerment Community

I could see that social media had become stressful for many of us, and I wanted to do something different and grow a global sensitive family that deeply connected and supported each other. We intentionally made this a space that feels good to be in, away from the barrage of advertisements and anonymous online negativity. We host weekly events, and monthly meet and greets, and we warmly invite you to join us!

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Lower Anxiety, Improve Wellness and Discover Your Sensitive Gifts

I'll discuss the three steps to conscious wellness for Highly Sensitive People and Empaths. Learn about high sensitivity, understand brain differences making you more susceptible to anxiety, and how to regulate your sensitive nervous system. Live consciously, guided by your body cues and intuition, doing what's right for you, and self-care the HSP way.

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Want to Know the Secret to Getting Everything Done and Still Have Lots of Energy and Time Leftover?

We are often high achievers, after all. Most of us are either perfectionists or recovering perfectionists. We want to get everything done right the first time, be productive, do good in the world, help others, and still feel balanced and in a good mood with lots of extra energy. We want to be the perfect friend, partner, co-worker, parent, child, sibling, human...

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